Μήνες μπροστά!

15 Comments Published by the ibt on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 at 12:41 AM.

Halloween κάναμε το Σεπτέμβριο...
(φωτ. 13/10/08)
Χριστούγεννα κάναμε τον Οκτώβριο...
(φωτ. 10/10/08)
Απόψε κάνουμε αυτό που στην Ελλάδα λένε "Φονικό Ψύχος"!

October Snow
(φωτ. 30 λεπτά πριν)

Το πρώτο χιόνι του χειμώνα φέτος έπεσε φθινόπωρο!

Υ.Γ. Αύριο Πάσχα και μεθαύριο της Αναλήψεως.


15 Responses to “Μήνες μπροστά!”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    akouga apo filous oti shmera exei trelh pagonia ekei panw!!

    pados afto me ton oktovri k ta xristougeniatika den palevete sthn aglia!  

  2. # Blogger alienlover

    βοήθειά μας!  

  3. # Blogger Unknown

    Na sas zhsei na to xaireste!
    Sth fwto me t astra, auto einai to feggari?? Moiazei me UF-Oh! mazi me tis giortes eixate kai diagalaksiakes episkepseis? Kouragio kai kaskol agaph, xxxxx!  

  4. # Blogger ds

    Σας ζηλεύω και για τα τρία.  

  5. # Blogger .κaτεrina

    dn tn palevete .. :P  

  6. # Blogger Unknown

    Ax den antexw kai 8a to pw: shmera SKASAME apo th zesth, kai phga na piw kafe sthn paralia! xixixixi!  

  7. # Anonymous Anonymous

    happy halloween iP! :[  

  8. # Blogger Aphrodite

    aaaaa 8elw kegw ximwnaaa!!

    imaste me rantakia stin a8ina! ke otan lew egw oti to fenomeno tou 8ermokipiou 8a mas psofisi, me lene ipervoliki:/

    happy creepy xmas pantos;p  

  9. # Blogger the ibt

    morpheous, μέχρι να έρθουν τα Χριστούγεννα τα έχουμε ξεράσει.

    alienlover, αμην.

    Νικόλ, είσαι βλήμα. Τι άστρα μου λες; Χιόνι είναι!!!

    Dynx, χεχε, ζήλευε!

    .κaτεrina, μια χαρά την παλεύουμε προς το παρόν!

    Νικόλ, δε ζηλεύω καθόλου, είμαι σε χειμερινό mood.

    anonymous, happy Halloween to you too!

    QuelMarth, ευχαριστώ! Καλό καλοκαίρι και σε σας! :p  

  10. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Εμάς δεν χιόνισε αλλά η παγωνιά ήταν άλλο πράγμα!!!

    Άσε τι τραβήξαμε για να βρούμε μασκαράτικα ανήμερα του Halloween... αφού σκεφτήκαμε σοβαρά την προοπτική Santa/baby a la Jack Skellington!  

  11. # Anonymous Anonymous
  12. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I got to play Assassin's Creed which kind of disappointed me. There is some great work in there, great work. The art is fantastic...the levels in that game are huge. The free running things works really well and feels wow power leveling great to control, though after awhile the joy and awe kind of wares off. I hated the story...the whole setting kind of frustrated me. I was so completely looking forward to playing as an assassin during the Crusades. When I first heard the wow powerleveling concept for the game and awe the screenshots I was pretty jazzed. That excitement was quickly smothered when I found out I was a descendant of Altair and I was in a simulation. Great...a game within a game. That really kind of spoiled the whole thing for me. I played about halfway through the game before I completely stopped. I think the wow gold sequel that is inevitably going to get made will be pretty good...though I think they have kind f locked themselves into the whole genetic memory story thread. There is some really great stuff in that game, but the story, and combat really kind of killed it for me. The combat is still not that great of an improvement over the POP stuff. It is decent, but it feels like it could be so much better if they would just give the power leveling player more control over the character.  

  13. # Blogger Unknown
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